openregistry.lots.loki contains the description of the Lots Registry.
- Lot represents the finalized object to be privatized within the process.
- One asset only may be included in a single lot.
- Asset which is included in lot, marked as attached to it and can’t be used for other lots formation.
- Lot can be deleted only in case of documentType: cancellationDetails has been attached.
- Time for the lot to be edited is rectificationPeriod.
API accepts JSON or form-encoded content in requests. It returns JSON content in all of its responses, including errors. Only the UTF-8 character encoding is supported for both requests and responses.
All API POST and PUT requests expect a top-level object with a single element in it named data. Successful responses will mirror this format. The data element should itself be an object, containing the parameters for the request.
If the request was successful, we will get a response code of 201 indicating the object was created. That response will have a data field at its top level, which will contain complete information on the new lot, including its ID.
If something went wrong during the request, we’ll get a different status code and the JSON returned will have an errors field at the top level containing a list of problems. We look at the first one and print out its message.
Project status¶
The project has pre alpha status.
The source repository for this project is on GitHub: https://github.com/openprocurement/openregistry.lots.loki
API stability¶
API is relatively stable. The changes in the API are communicated via Open Procurement API maillist.